Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sexy Sunday - C.A. Szarek ; Book Excerpt and Giveaway

This Sexy Sunday I'm happy to welcome C.A. Szarek to Deliza's Dirty Dramas for the first time! Below is an excerpt of her latest novel Collision Force (Book One in the Crossing Forces series), a giveaway AND a link to download her FREE Christmas book featuring the stars of Collision Force, A Cole In Her Stocking. Check it out!

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Book One in the Crossing Forces Series

Bad boy FBI agent and feisty widowed police detective collide pursuing a human trafficker in small town Texas on their way to true love. 

Bad boy, married to his job FBI agent Cole Lucas always gets his man. So when the unthinkable happens and one gets away, Cole grits his teeth and hunts human trafficker Carlo Maldonado all the way to Antioch, Texas, where he collides with Detective Andi MacLaren. 

Cole doesn’t do small towns and doesn’t get involved with women he works with, but Andi tempts him in ways he doesn’t want to acknowledge. 

Two murders, her partner shot and leading the investigation on her own, the last thing Andi needs is a cocky FBI agent who sees her as no more than a tagalong. 

Widow and single mother Andi is used to being on her own. When Cole gets stuck without a place to stay, crashing on her couch puts them in dangerous territory. 

Attraction and passion bring Andi to a place she’d left behind when her husband died. Her three-year-old son quickly wiggles his way into Cole’s heart, and he starts contemplating things—family, love—that he’d never planned for himself. 

Can being forced to work together make them stronger or will their differences jeopardise their case and their hearts?


She was at the sink scrubbing her electric skillet. Cole pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, then nuzzled the hollow of her ear, nipping her earlobe. He watched the shiver travel down her spine and slipped a hand around her waist, settling it low on her stomach. He pulled her bottom against him.

His cock shot from six o’clock to midnight in two seconds flat.

“I thought he would never leave,” he whispered against the baby hairs at the back of her neck. Her ponytail brushed his cheek.


“Stop thinking, Andi.” He nuzzled her again, rocking against her firm bottom. “That’s half your problem.”

Cole whirled her around and covered her mouth with his. She yelped, but he smothered it with his tongue, exploring her sweetness. Kissing him back, she moaned after only a moment, shooting her arms around him.

He pulled back, staring into her half-lidded sapphire eyes. Warm, probably soapy water sank into the fabric of his pale blue button-down shirt—the only non-tee with him in Texas.

“You got me wet,” Cole said, his lips hovering over hers.

Andi bit her bottom lip, but she couldn’t hold back her giggle. “You grabbed me. It wasn’t my fault.”

After pressing a quick kiss into her lips, he took a step back. “Then I guess I just have to take it off.”

“You won’t need it,” she whispered. Her tongue shot out to moisten her kiss-swollen lips, and Cole bit back a groan.

She reached for a dish towel and dried her damp hands. After tossing it back on the counter, she stepped towards him, leaning up and touching her lips to his while her deft fingers worked his buttons.

He took control, cupping the back of her head to bring her closer. She whimpered, but he deepened the kiss.

Andi pulled away, face already flushed pink. “You’re distracting me from getting you naked.”

He laughed, caressing her cheek with his thumb, tracing the freckles along the bridge of her nose. Thank God she quit thinking.

“By all means, continue. We can’t have that.”

She flashed a smile that made his heart thud and his cock throb. When she got his shirt open, Andi placed both palms flat to the hard planes of his chest. She stroked him, following his defined lines. Cole gasped. Her touch made his blood boil.




Enter to win an ecopy of Collision Force by C.A. Szarek
and ecopies of 'The Savannah Rossi Chronicles' Vol. 1-4 by Deliza Rafferty!


Download an ecopy of C.A. Szarek's Christmas story,
Cole In Her Stocking
featuring Andi and Cole from Collision Force!

Meet The Author

C.A. Szarek is originally from Ohio, but got to Texas as soon as she could. She is married and has a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. 

She works with kids when she’s not writing.

She’s always wanted to be a writer and is overjoyed to share her stories with the world. 

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Author Spotlight - Elodie Parkes

Today I'm thrilled to welcome back Elodie Parkes to the blog and spotlight her new novel, Swoop on Love, from Evernight Publishing. Scroll on down for an excerpt AND a giveaway for a $10 (or £10, depending what side of the pond you're on) Amazon giftcard! I'm also excited to unveil a new feature for my Author Spotlight, "20 Questions With Deliza," which will give you a little personal insight into your favorite authors featured here. Elodie has graciously agreed to be my guinea pig for the very first one. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by and of course, we both welcome your comments below - in fact, that's how you enter the giveaway, so chat away! 


Lured to the place by its intriguing name, Jeanie was to find no owls lived there, but someone or thing does…will she realize before it’s too late?

Suspense…shifters…sex…and love...

Jeanie explores her new neighborhood and finds a strange little road leading to a place with an intriguing name. Owlswick. It’s Saturday and she has no plans, as usual, why not drive down this road? What she finds there is even more fascinating than the place name, and to her delight, a very attractive man lives there. Too bad he’s furious with her for taking a photograph. Why is that? What will Jeanie find when she checks the picture out at home later? 

A love story, graphic sex scenes and a twist of fantasy suspense, 18+

From Elodie:

"Thank you for inviting me to the blog to celebrate the release of Swoop on Love from Evernight Publishing.

I loved writing this story because of the inspiration behind it. Like my heroine, Jeanie, I found a sign post to a strangely named place and followed the country road that took me there. I didn’t find the two shifter heroes Nathan and Reed, but I did find the country restaurant that is mentioned in the story, and I passed the Christmas tree plantations that also feature in the scenery of the book.

Nathan and Reed are special characters for me. They are similar in looks but so different in personality. Nathan is alpha and the enforced restrictions on his life in recent years have taken their toll. He’s reckless, risk taking and that’s how Jeanie uncovers his secret. He inspired the title since he saw Jeanie, wants her and love, and so he takes it. Reed is gentle, sensual, and giving, but he’s also very sexy."


He gave her a fright when he leaned around and opened her car door for her.
She jumped away and he laughed.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Jeanie took hold of her car door and turned to him. “Thank you.” She was about to get in when he touched her lightly on the arm. It sent a shock of sensation along to her breasts. She shivered.
“I’m Nathan, by the way. I’ve been hostile and rude. I’d like to remedy that. Could I offer you a drink? There’s a restaurant further along the road, they have a great garden bar. It’s still a lovely evening.”
She stared up into his face, overcome with longing to be with him in this restaurant garden. He looked hopeful and interested. Loneliness made her reckless. She nodded, casting aside suspicion and taking a chance. “Okay, yes that would be nice.” She didn’t add that it would be the first Saturday night in more than eighteen months she wouldn’t spend alone.
“I can go get my truck if you’d like me to drive us.” His voice gave away his happiness at her answer.
“No, I’ll drive us. You can give directions.”
He smiled and little lines appeared next to his eyes. They were endearing.
Warmth spread through her as she imagined hugging him.
He went around to the passenger side as she got into her car and started the engine.
When he settled next to her, she looked at him. “Which way?”
“Go left, and follow the road.”
The restaurant was visible for a long distance on the straight road before they reached it. Lit up in the summer evening, fairy lights twinkled in the trees out front, and strings of them attached to the building looked like a sparkly fringe, even in the remaining daylight.
It was unexpectedly exciting to be next to this man. She felt a wave of pleasure that he’d asked her out. “It must look so pretty when it’s really dark.” Jeanie smiled as she glanced at Nathan.
“It does. It’s always full, too. It’s a happy place to be.” He sounded wistful.
She looked his way again. He stared out the side window, so she couldn’t see his expression. Suddenly under a strong wave of need, she wanted to hold him, kiss his incredible lips, snuggle against that muscular chest, and then… She sighed.
“That was a big sigh. You know you haven’t told me your name.”
Surprised that it hadn’t occurred to her to tell him her name even when he told her his, she answered. “It’s Jeanie, sorry.”
“A pretty name for a pretty girl.” His tone was tender.
She was tired of her solitary life. A spark of hope flared that maybe she’d met a man interested in her, even if he was involved in some kind of strangeness.
They reached the restaurant and Jeanie parked her car. Nathan got out of his side and swiftly appeared at Jeanie’s door to help her. He smiled at her as she thanked him. He didn’t move away from her and they stood so close to each other, Jeanie yearned to kiss his perfect mouth.
He bent toward her and whispered, “You’re so pretty. I’m very glad you came back. Why did you? You never told me.”
His breath teased her ear, and her nipples peaked against her T-shirt. She slowly moved her head until her mouth hovered a centimeter from his. She closed her eyes, captivated by his nearness. He kissed her then, softly. His lips explored hers, firm, then soft and moist. A simple touch of his tongue against her mouth sent her into a spiral of desire. Her whole body responded to the kiss.

Copyright Elodie Parkes 2013



Meet The Author

*** 20 Questions with Deliza ***

1) Elodie, where were you born and raised? 

I was born in the United Kingdom and raised mostly there.

2) If you could live anywhere in the world other than where you live now, where would that be and why?

I like where I live but wouldn’t mind living further down the coast, maybe the surf coasts in Cornwall.

3) If other than being an author, when you were a child you wanted to grow up to be a    vet  

4) If writing isn’t something you’ve always done, what made you decide to start and when?

I’ve always written something and had things published in magazines as well as books. I do have a day job and work in an antiques emporium.

5) What genre(s) do you write?

I write contemporary romance, erotic romance, paranormal erotic, romantic mystery

6) Is there any genre you wish you could write but don’t feel you could do justice? Or do you feel you are capable of writing anything you set your mind to?

No I do have limits. I can’t write horror or anything violent. 

7) Share some of your favorite authors and tell us what it is about their writing that keeps you going back.

I read so much and always have done. I have so many authors I like to read. I read Christine Feehan for paranormal romance. I like the mix of story, and sex. I especially like the Dark series. I read Robert Goddard for mystery, as his plots are so creative. Sometimes I read reference books too. I think I’ve read everything by some of the classic authors such as Dickens, Hardy. I’ve read all the Tolkien. You know it would take me weeks to list the books I’ve read.

8) Share some of your favorite books and tell us what it was about them that moved you.


9) Is there a book you’re just dying to see turned into a movie? Who would you cast?


10) What is your favorite food(s)?


11) What is your favorite color?

Purple and Blue vie for my affections

12) What/where would be your dream vacation?

I think driving across Europe with some hunky guy in my jeep, we’d stop at all the historical sights and beaches.

13) Name one thing on your bucket list.

I don’t have a bucket list, for me that would be a massive tease.

14) Is the glass half full or half empty?


15) Name one of your guilty pleasures.

Roast potatoes

16) I can’t stand it when a person/people     smokes near me    .

17) I love it when a person/people      are kind to each other     .

18) I am very much looking forward to the day when        marketing my books isn’t such a huge part of my life      .

19) Can you see dead people?

Happily, no

20) Name five things you couldn’t do without.
My laptop
My smart phone
My jeep
My iPad
My moisturizer

Elodie Parkes is a British author writing romance, erotic, contemporary, and often with a twist of mystery, paranormal or suspense. Her books are always steamy, cool stories and hot love scenes.

Elodie lives in Canterbury with her two dogs. She works in an antique shop by day and writes at night, loving the cloak of silent darkness that descends on the rural countryside around her home.

Elodie writes for, Hot Ink Press, Moon Rose Publishing, Eternal Press, and Evernight. She has also released titles as an individual indie author.

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Cover Reveal/Excerpt/Giveaway - 'Christmas Confusion' by Monica Garry-Allen

(click any image for a larger view)

Author: Monica Garry-Allen (also writes under the name of Siren Allen) 
Book Title: Christmas Confusion
Genre: Contemporary Romance/ New Adult/ Romantic Comedy
Release date: December 13, 2013
Publisher: Front Porch Romance


Can two people be any more confused than Bailey and Max?

Bailey Cooper is very much attracted to her neighbor Max Davis. Unfortunately for Bailey, Greg – Max’s lover is slowly becoming one of Bailey’s best friends. Bailey’s emotions are torn; she adores Greg’s friendship while at the same time she craves Max’s touch. What is a girl to do when she ‘thinks’ the man she's in love with is in love with someone else? 

Max Davis and his baby brother Greg Davis are co-owners of the apartment building they live in. Max has fallen for his tenant, Bailey, but she avoids and ignores all of his advances. Max becomes suspicious of the friendship blooming between Greg and Bailey. He believes Bailey has a crush on his brother but Max wants Bailey all to himself. Now he has to think of ways to keep Bailey and Greg apart. 

Will a holiday weekend full of chaos, confusion and a little bit of charm finally get Bailey and Max on the right track? 

Or will a few innocent caresses lead to more Christmas confusion?


Max scooted back on the couch, he reached toward Bailey, eyes straying to her legs. Even though she wore jeans, he stilled pictured her legs bare, like they were when she jumped on his counter.

Her eyes widened as his hand came closer and closer. Max leaned forward, stretching his arm even closer to her body, he ached to touch her. His fingertips itched for a chance to slide down her body. As he moved closer he heard her inhale deeply and he couldn’t escape the erotic images that flowed through his mind.  

Oh the sounds I could cause her to make if she would give me the chance. 

Max continued edging forward, until his fingers wrapped around what he was reaching for. He picked the remote control up and moved back to his side of the couch. His hand shook slightly. Bailey exhaled. The sound sent chills over his body. Max pointed the remote at the television and pressed play.

He cleared his throat. “Do you want to start from the beginning or do you want me to find that last scene you watched?”

Max waited on her to answer but all he heard was the sound of breathing. He kept his eyes straight forward, fearing the sight of her chest rising and falling would be his downfall. She took so long to answer that he forgot what his question was.

“Whatever you want,” she whispered and his gut clenched. Max pressed pause.

What was his question? For the life of him, he couldn’t remember what he’d asked her. But her answer ‘whatever you want’ was the answer he craved. A thousand questions raced through his head, ‘Bailey, what do you want me to do to you with my tongue?’ her answer of ‘whatever you want’ would be perfect for that question. ‘Bailey, what do you want me to do to you with my hands?’ Whatever you want would be the perfect answer to that question. But none of those were the question she was answering. What had he asked her?

“Or we could just watch television,” she said. “We don’t have to watch the movie, I know it’s a chick flick and you may not like it.”

Oh yeah, the movie. “No, no, we can watch the movie.” Get it together, Max.

“Okay,” Bailey smiled and snuggled further into the comforter. His comforter, the one he would sleep under later on tonight. The comforter that would have her sweet scent on it until he decided to wash it, if he decided to wash it. Get it together, now, Max.

Character Meet-n-Greet:

Christmas Confusion is a fun novella full of surprises and charm. Let’s take a moment to get to know the characters that make up this cute gem. Each will share one interesting fact about themselves.  

Bailey – My name is Bailey Cooper and I’ve just moved into my first apartment. Living on my own is kind of scary. But not as bad as I thought it would be thanks to the big hunk of a man living next door to. His name is Max and he’s extra yummy. He’s also extra gay and his boyfriend, Greg, looks better in skinny jeans than I do. How unfair! Anyway, one interesting fact about me is, I play in stool, urine, blood and any other fluid the body can excrete, on a daily basis. I’m a Medical Technologist, so I get paid to be gross. Oh, one more fact: I’m in love with my neighbor, yeah, the gay one. Have I mentioned how unfair life is?

Krista - Hi, my name is Krista. I’m Bailey’s best friend and play cousin. There are a ton of interesting facts about me, but if I have to pick one to share I will share this one, I have always been and will always be a daddy’s girl. I love my dad with all my heart and I think there is nothing more special than the bond between a father and his daughter.  Can I give one more? I’ll be quick. Another fun fact about me is that I when I’m tipsy I like to dance, but who doesn’t?

Max  -  I’m Max Davis. My two brothers and I own and are currently renovating, Lake Teresa apartment complex. It needs a lot of work but we are managing to get it done in a timely manner. I have a new tenant, Bailey Cooper. She’s the most frustratingly sexy woman I’ve ever met in my life. And she keeps ignoring my advances. My brother, Greg, is driving me crazy with his attempts to get Bailey and I together. Maybe we just aren’t meant to be. Damn shame though, because I know I could make her happy if she would give me a chance. 

Greg – Hey, Y’all. I’m Greg. The youngest and most fabulous of the Davis brothers. One interesting fact about me; hmm let me think. I’m a great listener…. I bet you thought I was going to say something else. Okay, I’ll say it. I am homosexual and I’m proud of it. Oh and I’m also a part-time deejay. Just ask my new tenant and bestie, Bailey. My goal this Christmas is to get her and my brother together. I swear straight people can be so obtuse sometimes. Just call me the Christmas Cupid. 


"My favorite holiday is Christmas. Not just because of the presents but because I love the look on my nieces and nephews faces when they unwrap their presents. I love sitting around the dinner table with family I haven’t seen in a while and catching up over turkey dressing. What’s your favorite holiday and why? Comment below for a chance to win a Christmas Confusion Christmas ornament." 


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Meet The Author

Hi all, my name is Monica Garry-Allen. When I am not writing I am working as a Clinical Laboratory Technician. Since I am a part of the medical field a lot of my characters have jobs as Doctors, Nurses, Laboratory Scientists, etc.

I enjoy reading, writing, and shopping. Cooking however, is not one of my hobbies. But thankfully my husband enjoys creating tasty meals. My hubby and I have no kids yet, but we do have nieces and nephews that we adore.

I enjoy traveling. I'm not much of an outdoors person. Give me an air-conditioned room, a good book, a cup of coffee and I'm in heaven.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Cover Reveal and Giveaway - 'At Last' by Susan Thatcher

(click any image for a larger view)

Title: At Last (sequel to These Foolish Things)
Author: Susan Thatcher
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release date: December 1, 2013


These Foolish Things is a response to all the love stories that begin with young lovers and end immediately after mutual declarations of love. Life continues after youth and love can happen anytime, anywhere.

At Last picks up where These Foolish Things leaves off. Elizabeth Gardner and Ty Hadley seem destined for “happily ever after,” but fate has challenges in store that could tear them apart. Is their love strong enough to survive?

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Susan's giving away copies of
 These Foolish Things AND At Last
to THREE lucky winners!"; rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

Meet The Author

Susan Thatcher was born in New Hampshire and raised in Vermont, graduating from the University of Vermont (including a stint in Salisbury, South Australia as an exchange student starting in January 1982. She hates winter that much). She contributed occasional articles to UVM’s newspaper, the Vermont Cynic. Susan has also contributed to Morning Edition on NPR (they read her letter on the air.), the Boca Raton News and, a news parody website. Susan also earned a Juris Doctor from Franklin Pierce Law Center.  

She presently lives in Southern California because the climate and topography suit her.  And she is writing more material.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Author Spotlight - Connie Ann Michael

Today I'm happy to be putting the spotlight on Connie Ann Michael and her latest book, 1000 Sleepless Nights. Check it out!


There are two absolutes in war, people get killed and you can’t stop it. Twenty-three year old Corpsman Emme Sawyer doesn’t believe in absolutes. Exceling in school Emme graduated early flew through undergrad work and was on her way to med school when she realized she wanted more. Joining the Navy, Emma deploys as a medical corpsman with a Marine Infantry Unit heading into the Helmand Providence in Afghanistan.

When the bullets start to fly Emme learns that medical school doesn’t prepare you for war and being a girl doesn’t make getting killed off limits. Emme struggles against the cultural biases of a foreign land and the limitations her unit is put under while trying to push the Taliban out.  After her guard is killed by an IED, Emme shuts off her emotions—until her commanding officer, Raven takes the job of looking after her, arousing feelings she doesn’t want and isn’t supposed to have.  As Raven begins to reciprocate Emme realizes she missed out on a lot more than classes when she skipped high school. Unsure how to deal with the loss Emme turns to Raven, for support.  As their connection grows Emme hesitates to take it further, knowing that developing feelings in a combat zone is dangerous when each step could be your last. Aware of the regulations against starting a relationship with someone in his unit, Raven tries to suppress his feelings but knows they are too strong to deny.  Soon Emme and Raven learn you can’t choose when and where love finds you and sometimes you have to take a chance.  


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Meet The Author

Connie Ann Michael was raised a city girl but was converted to a country girl after college and now resides in a speck of a town in Central Washington State.  Connie is married to her former boss as she worked at the local Pizza place and has two college age boys that provide endless material for books.  She loves the outdoors and can be found mountain biking, kayaking, or camping with her family.  Being a busy family she can be found working on edits and her newest novel while on long road trips.